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Trump’s latest immigration involvement backed by ex-judge

Chicago Immigration Law Office

The topic of immigration is quite controversial in Illinois depending on who you ask. Some people firmly believe that immigrants should be allowed a degree of tolerance in their quest to seek protection in a country that prioritizes free speech and freedom. Others vehemently oppose the entry of anyone into the country without adherence to stringent protocols designed to regulate who is allowed into the country.

A recent order that President Trump has masterminded and signed requires all immigrants who are seeking asylum to go through a designated check-point at a marked port of entry at the border. Immigrants who enter the country illegally and have not followed the rules will not be granted asylum. While the new rule is designed to address several problems that President Trump has perceived with immigration into the United States, he hopes it will meet two needs in particular. First, due to the extended time it takes for people to be granted asylum, it is hoped that people will be dissuaded from pursuing asylum status. Additionally, the hope is that immigrants will be encouraged to apply for citizenship in other countries such as Mexico.

Trump’s new order has been backed and supported by a former immigration judge who said that he believes that such a requirement will make a positive difference in mitigating some of the common problems with immigration. He believes this new rule is the “best possible solution” to provide immigrants with a chance to gain asylum if they desire, while also protecting the wellbeing of the country and its citizens.

Source: Fox News Insider, “Ex-Immigration Judge: Trump’s Asylum Rule Is ‘Best Possible Solution’ at the Border,” Nov. 10, 2018

Chicago Immigration Law Office
Francis Law Center - Immigration Law