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Determining your relationship status for immigrant visa approval

Chicago Immigration Law Office

If you have a spouse who is not a citizen of the United States, one of your primary concerns may be working toward getting him or her eligibility to remain in the U.S. legally. While your relationship status may help to expedite this process, failure to carefully adhere to government-outlined policies can potentially ruin your chances of helping your spouse. At Francis Law Center, we have helped many people in Illinois to become better educated about the process of immigration in the United States.

While you may be tempted to breeze through the required paperwork and submit your application as soon as possible, it is imperative that you take your time and make sure that each record you detail is honest and articulated clearly. The more organized and clear your information is, the better your chances are at avoiding having to resubmit portions or spend time in negotiations as you work to clarify misunderstandings.

If you are dishonest about the information you provide or are involved in a scam as a way to try and bypass specific requirements, you may destroy your spouse’s chance of ever being considered for citizenship in the future. Understanding what is considered a “spouse” is also essential before you begin the application process on behalf of your significant other. According to Travel.State.Gov, your significant other is only considered your spouse if the two of you have been legally married. If you are not married but have lived with him or her for a significant time, it is not enough to give him or her eligibility for an immigrant visa.

When you and your spouse understand the necessary qualifications that are required for successful application for an immigrant visa, you may be able to avoid encountering some preventable issues along the way. For more information about immigration, visit our web page.



Chicago Immigration Law Office
Francis Law Center - Immigration Law